The money is sent using Square Cash’s email payment system, and Snapchat says Square is helping to secure transactions. Now with this new feature, Snapchat will be on par with existing applications like Venmo and Google Cash Do you think this is a bold move from Snapchat? Which other social mediums will start following this …
Micro Blogging Blogging just got a lot less complicated. Yes you read that right. Micro blogging is a rage among all the online bloggers over the World Wide Web. Blogging doesn’t consist of paras and paras of content all over the place. Nowadays people add a more visual approach to their blogging experience. And in …
Do you really want to make a viral video and gain instant popularity?? Then here are our secrets : Viral-ness of your video = Clickability X Sharibility of the video! While some videos can go viral over the night, some may require the initial push to be a massive Hit. Well, for all those who …
We all use Social Media. So,when we have a complaint about a company, The first thing we do is we search for their Facebook Page/ Twitter Handle and tell them a complaint because we know its way too easier to get an immediate response than anything. But you never know what kind of an immediate …
Well over the last few days Life at Fruitbowl is under high radar. The members of our charade are always on their toes. Why do you ask? Well, there’s a battle going on! It may not be on the surface but under the serene surface there are currents raging. Lesson 1: Survival of the fittest …
1. Make it searchable In order to make your Video go Viral, you need to make it Google- friendly first! You can do that by searching for the most common keywords by free tools like Google Adwords Keyword Tool or Wordtracker. This will help your video get a lot of views and be exposed to …