This means War!
April 14, 2014Well over the last few days Life at Fruitbowl is under high radar. The members of our charade are always on their toes. Why do you ask? Well, there’s a battle going on! It may not be on the surface but under the serene surface there are currents raging. Lesson 1: Survival of the fittest …
Ahhhh Effect
April 11, 2014www.ahh.com website, they take it a step further! This website transports you into an entire new world of CocaCola that is interweaved with the ahhh effect! The site hosts several other games and interactive microsites that are so addictive that you are tempted to try all of them!! Well, the real question is..How much …
How to make your Videos go Viral?
April 10, 20141. Make it searchable In order to make your Video go Viral, you need to make it Google- friendly first! You can do that by searching for the most common keywords by free tools like Google Adwords Keyword Tool or Wordtracker. This will help your video get a lot of views and be exposed to …
You Just got Stumped!!
April 10, 2014 -
Facebook rolls out New One-Column Timeline for Pages similar to user profiles
March 20, 2014 -
Women's Day Campaign by Young Energy Savers
March 7, 2012Young Energy Savers is a brand which is all about educating youngsters about saving energy, protecting the environment and utilizing natural resources at its best. On the occasion of Women’s Day,2014 we decided to use this opportunity to educate children about the extraordinary work done by Women all around our globe. We were really excited …