1. Make it searchable In order to make your Video go Viral, you need to make it Google- friendly first! You can do that by searching for the most common keywords by free tools like Google Adwords Keyword Tool or Wordtracker. This will help your video get a lot of views and be exposed to more audience. Using the Google Keyword Tool you can look for the popular keyword tools that accurately reflect the conent of your video. Focus on the keywords that would appear on the first page but would not have much competition too! 2. Be descriptive Awesome! Most- Watched – Refrain from such titles. Resist the urge to be overly clever, sarcastic or funny with the video title. Some video marketers try to use titles such as “You’ll be amazed to see…” or “You’ll never believe this” but if people do not know the content in video, such titles won’t help! Instead put clear titles of what you are going to show. A brief description and a thumbnail to support it. So from Must- Watch to Must Watch Soccer Skills would help. 3. Keep it under 56 characters a. Google cuts off the titles after the 66 Character mark and since all videos which are posted on Youtube have “Youtube” in the start of their titles that means you have 56 characters at your disposal and to attract the audience. 4. Use them! There are some words which have been shown to gemerate more clicks which will give good results when included in titles. a. Video b. Tutorial c. Review d. Test e. What is f. How to g. Demo/Demonstration h. Explained/Explanation i. By using one of these words in your title, you’re likely to get more clicks.]]>
How to make your Videos go Viral?
April 10, 2014
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