Micro Blogging Blogging just got a lot less complicated. Yes you read that right. Micro blogging is a rage among all the online bloggers over the World Wide Web. Blogging doesn’t consist of paras and paras of content all over the place. Nowadays people add a more visual approach to their blogging experience. And in …
We all use Social Media. So,when we have a complaint about a company, The first thing we do is we search for their Facebook Page/ Twitter Handle and tell them a complaint because we know its way too easier to get an immediate response than anything. But you never know what kind of an immediate …
Well over the last few days Life at Fruitbowl is under high radar. The members of our charade are always on their toes. Why do you ask? Well, there’s a battle going on! It may not be on the surface but under the serene surface there are currents raging. Lesson 1: Survival of the fittest …