Employees always come and go –  but it’s the memories they leave behind and the impact they leave on our lives is something we can never forget. Therefore on the final day we decided to have a special dedication for our departing Senior Developer so that his last day at FruitBowl would be something he remembered always! Cake,Wishes,Videos, Laughter, A fake fan page & a staggering amount of selfies later the day had come to an end. Like we previously mentioned it’s never easy to say goodbye, and now that you have officially left the FruitBowl team and are now a ‘Dry Fruit’ we would like to wish you good luck in all of your future endeavors and always know that ‘Fruitbowl’ will always be the stepping stone which you had to cross to achieve success in life. PS – Click here to see the ‘Friends’ video made by one of our colleagues. 🙂    ]]>