Micro Blogging Blogging just got a lot less complicated. Yes you read that right. Micro blogging is a rage among all the online bloggers over the World Wide Web. Blogging doesn’t consist of paras and paras of content all over the place. Nowadays people add a more visual approach to their blogging experience. And in our experience this really works because with images attached it adds more of a ‘real life experience’ to the viewers. Creative is King Visual content has been king for a few years now. More than text it’s the creative that gain people’s attention. And if you have a good creative with the message shared properly, your creative will be a guaranteed hit! Users generally prefer posts containing images on Facebook and Twitter. The Viral Experience Youtube is the most growing medium of social interaction for the past few years. Someday it might just trump Facebook and twitter! Surprised? Here’s why it is possible. Youtube has seen the most explosive form of growth over a number for years, and 2013 was an important year that leads to this phenomenon. Small business owners have realized the importance of this medium and besides corporations, its normal people who have the potential to go viral simply by posting the content they prefer. The Search Experience Did you know that Google indexes each and every of your Facebook status updates? It is a well known fact that the most important SEO ranking factors are directly related to social media. It is of great importance to a brand image that it retains a higher position in Google search ranking. Methods of Monetization The most sure way of getting is most amount of attraction on your social media activity is paid posts and promotions. This is an increasing trend nowadays. Paid promotions ensure that your target audience view the content you are sharing and ensures maximum virality. Social Currency Social Currency plays a vital role on the life of social media. All brands today aim to possess a strong social media presence or else their value is lost. Social Media is slowly becoming a foundation marketing component rather than an optional add on for any emerging business.]]>
6 Media Trends you need to know about!
September 18, 2014
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