In the span of a few hours Modi received over 1,600 likes and Mr. Modi had 35,000 followers on Instagram.Needless to say our PM has taken to social media like a fish to water, and he has conquered almost all the possible channels present. As worshippers of Digital Media ourselves, here are a few pointers we would like to share with our PM. 1. Always Use #Hashtags 2. Keep sharing relevant images that interest your followers. 3. Make the best use of filters 4. Keeping liking and commenting on posts. 5. Always include a caption. 6. And last but not the least, keep clicking! On that note we would like to wish NarendraModi a high five for conquering another social platform. Hopefully in the not so distant future he won’t be the only Politician of India to do so!]]>
PM on Instagram
November 17, 2014