We at our office celebrate some really weird days and hence, we decided to celebrate White Shirt Day! 🙂

We were all dressed in White shirts! The only way we were planning to making it memorable by taking some photos in weird way by placing GO-Pro on our cycle’s roof (Yes,We have a cycle hung to our roof. Cool,na?) So when our bosses left, We tried to click some of our pictures.

Here are some of those:

Amanda asking Rickie to teach her the pose

Amanda asking Rickie to teach her the pose

We actually tried to spin the cycle on our roof! 😀 Ok ok. We were spinning at our superficial pace 🙂

A decent picture of our team 🙂

2nd decent photo!

We are such a decent team na?

No more! (I mean No more for only that day) We thought of doing some fun and what else would be better than doing a Harlem Shake?

This video is just a trailer of how much fun we had. It is short because our designers too busy doing their work 🙁 So that’s why we had to cut it in short.

Have a Look at it here.You can leave your comments by liking our page :-

watch it in hd

Posted by Gautam Chandra on Tuesday, February 11, 2014